

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental illness that causes repeated unreasonable thoughts and fears, that cause marked anxiety and distress(obsessions) and the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions)in …

Mobile Phone Addiction

Phone addiction means the increased use of a smartphone. This behavioral addiction is often called “nomophobia,” or the fear of being without a mobile phone. Access to a smartphone can …


Work Addiction

Work addiction is often overlooked when it comes to diagnosing it as a mental health condition. The root of work addiction is the compulsive need to achieve success, positions, and …

Exam Anxiety

Exam Anxiety

Exam anxiety (EA) is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before and/or during an exam or assessment. (OR) Test anxiety is the tendency to generate an inappropriate …

body shaming


Body shaming is the act of mocking or humiliating someone on the basis of their physical appearance. It includes shaming people for their shape, size, skin color, hair color, hairiness, …

Depression: What You Need to Know

Depression: what you need to know Depression is an important mental health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It is a leading cause of disability worldwide and even leads to …