Mental disorders are a significant impediment to living well in old age. Mental illness has a negative effect on health. Depression and anxiety are significant contributors to social isolation and high suicidal rates.
Old-age peoples make significant commitments to society as relatives, volunteers, and as dynamic members of the labor force. While most have great psychological wellness, numerous more seasoned grown-ups are in danger of creating mental issues, neurological problems, or substance use issues as well as other ailments like diabetes, hearing misfortune, and osteoarthritis. Besides, as individuals age, they are bound to encounter a few circumstances simultaneously.

How to overcome old age mental and physical health problems
Play Mind Games. Similarly, as the body needs active work and feeling to remain sound, the brain needs excitement to remain sharp and stay away from mental degradation as we age.
- Stay Connected with Friends.
- Pick up a New Hobby.
- Volunteering.
- Caring for a Pet.
- Careful listening
- Take up a relaxation practice (Yoga, mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing can help reduce overall levels of stress.)
Compass clinical psychological services help to improve older people’s functional status and strengths and also help how to handle their wishes and expectations. Social help serves significant functions, including basic reassurance (e.g., sharing issues or venting feelings), instructive help (e.g., counsel and direction), and instrumental help (e.g., furnishing rides or helping with housekeeping)