Phone addiction means the increased use of a smartphone. This behavioral addiction is often called “nomophobia,” or the fear of being without a mobile phone. Access to a smartphone can make life easier by making information easily available. Still, convenience comes at a price. The devices are designed to be hard for the users to put down. Through its colors, sounds, and vibrations, the technology makes its users engaged. There is a narrow line between healthy and compulsive mobile use. Spending too much time on a device can lead to addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Mobile Phone Addiction
• Lying about increased smartphone use.
• Loved ones express concern about the increased phone usage of the person.
• Neglect or trouble in daily activities and completing duties at work, school, or home.
• Use of mobile phone for a long period of time per day
• Checking other peoples’ profiles repeatedly due to anxiety.
• Getting into accidents or being injured due to phone use.
• Delay in completing tasks
• Reduced social life.
• Isolation from family and friends.
• A feeling of lack of connection with people and day-to-day life.
• A feeling of irritation if phone use is interrupted.
• Getting up at night or trouble sleeping in order to check a phone.
• Using the phone the moment they are alone or bored.
• Difficulty in limiting phone use.
• Craving for access to a smartphone or another device.

It is important to remember that there is no specific amount of time, frequency, or messages sent that signifies phone addiction. Yet having many of the above warning signs is an indicator of an underlying phone use problem.
Phone addiction is pervasive. Still, there are ways to treat the disorder. Compass clinical psychology services offer a variety of programs to help their patients overcome digital addiction. Though smartphones are a better resource, they also can be potentially dangerous tools, especially for children and young adults. As science continues to prove health problems related to cell phone use, it is essential to be proactive.
If you are concerned about the character or a loved one, there are steps you can take.
Do not let a mobile phone destroy anyone’s life. Bring as much awareness to the issue as you can as sometimes, being conscious of our problems and tracking our behavior is all we can do.